
Showing posts from April, 2014
Some of my work can now be seen (and purchased)  at Seacoast Artists Gallery, Market Commons Myrtle Beach, SC. Here is the display we worked on today despite the downpour of rain. by Rachel Jones Above is a link that will show you some of the other Artists on display and the recent Spring Show winners. I spy with my little eye.....
    Another one in the works . Wanting to capture as much sunshine as  possible, I'm contrasting an experimental cool palette with a little warmth. I think I've created more questions for myself. Though, I'm enjoying painting brighter. I'm not sure if it is for me, or will stick, or is seasonal... but time will tell. Not to mention, I'm learning. girl of summer #3 Oil on canvas Rachel Jones
Working on a new group of paintings with the working title "Girls of Summer". Most of them  are from photos of my younger days and my friends spending idle days wandering  southern streets in the sun with lots of attitude for no apparent reason. Here are some  progress shots. I'll post all the finished paintings in time. I'm working in oil   on canvas. r. jones r.jones r.jones Let me know what you think. Your comments are welcomed.
WIP Rachel Jones Rachel Jones Rachel Jones  I am working on it. Final will be posted as soon as it is... .finished? (who knows when that will be)! I'm working on a "cool" palette for this figure. So Much to learn and So Little Time- but so far it has been an enjoyable challenge. I'm wanting the figure to emerge from the background. Back to Work!
So this is how the Seacoast Artist Guild Spring Show/Sale went.
One that came and went too quickly... (to a new student and happy dorm-room) Small Revolutions Acrylic on Canvas 6"X 6" by Rachel Jones