Day Five!
OK, I should not really be to excited about day five since I did not actually Paint today, BUT.....I did art related stuff. I've lost my voice (husband has smile on face) and running slight fever while coughing profusely. So actually painting was not an option. However, I managed to drag my bones out of bed for  a moment to deliver paintings to a couple of guys who asked me to do a mixture for their new offices They come up with great new apps and  recently even got to ring the NASDAQ bell! VERY talented young guys.
These web designers and needed something to entertain their array of clients as they sit in the conference room. This is what I came up with and they were tickled pink ( my description and what a painter always wants to see when they are told to do "whatever it is that you do").




  1. Wow, these are fantastic. What a privilege to get to do this!

  2. There's a dreamy nostalgic feel to these.

  3. Thanks. I wanted to create a unified looking group of paintings, yet have completely different subjects. Of course, I can see the things I'd like to change, but there is always next time, right?


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