TRAVELS I had a nice little trip recently across the pond. Though we were quite busy, I had an opportunity to visit one of my favorite places- TATE. I discovered some amazing new artists, saw quite a bit of the Hockney exhibit, and of course had to visit a few old "friends". Despite the world of art one can see online, this is why seeing the real thing is important. As many times as I've stared at the painting below, I'm not sure if I ever noticed where a change was made. Near the front of the boat, the artist decided to paint over some blades of grass. I began to look at it differently and wonder if it would have made any difference to me. Aesthetically, probably not. It's a beautiful painting. But from an artist's point of view I began to think about composition and lines and where the gaze would flow. Hmmmm????! Where the blades were painted out. The weather was great and we were able to take a little trip to one of the first places m...
Showing posts from May, 2017