
Showing posts from April, 2019

Betrayed With a Kiss

Charcoal on Bristol Paper by Rachel Jones So... I’m falling in love again with charcoal. I love the immediacy, the texture, the messiness.  Though I’m known for mostly painting females, I adore the structure of the male face But there is always that fear that I cannot do it justice-  especially if it is a male I’m not close to. I know almost every detail of my husband’s topography. So the real challenge was ‘could I paint a man I’ve never met’? I perused a lot of virtual friends until I found this gentleman that not only has an interesting and charismatic face anyway, but also great with lighting and photography. ‘In for a penny, in for a pound ‘ they say... I attempted a double portrait. It is tentatively titled “Betrayed With A Kiss”. Not only are there various aspects of each personality...those personalities are not always friendly to each other.  Sometimes outright enemies, sabotagers, betrayers, manipulators, gaslghters... You get the idea. Can not wait until...