
Showing posts from June, 2019
Many artists throughout history have very publicly gone through different movements. Some meticulously worked through realism before venturing into cubism or surrealism or even something without a label. Often they returned to their first love, but sometimes... just sometimes... they discovered their new movement. So it's no wonder that I've been wandering around a bit on the creative front. When I first ventured into painting, I did whatever my heart desired. I played- just like a child. And with it came that childish joy that abandons us over time. When I was old enough to venture into the world and its museums, I discovered the greats . Basically everything The Tate Britain and New York Museums contained. Then I began to see what the   the tri-state area galleries decorated their walls with and how often those very galleries had full page ads and editorials in all the art magazines of Barnes and Noble. I desired to make that stuff that excited me beyond words. ...
Are you interested in having a personalized piece of artwork or commissioning an original painting  for your home, office, or workspace? These flowing watercolors are created to reflect and mimic human emotions, social norms, and narratives.  Atmosphere, nature, and individual spirit are combined to design dynamic works stimulating conversation and reflection. Archival Arches Paper is used for watercolors. Other works are on canvas or ready to hang wood panels. More details and options available upon request.   - Rachel Jones Interested in keeping up with the latest? Original Artwork by Rachel Jones