There are so many things brewing in the studio, yet… My current life is really real. I know EVERYONE’S life is “real”. That’s the entire notion behind SONDER. However, for an artist, reality can cause riffs in the creativity flow. There are several oil paintings in progress in a studio that I’ve not had access to (for various reasons). But where there is a will there is a way. I’m happy to be able to eke out time despite situations to create. I’m happy to be able to push through occasionally. And the times when I’m unable to put pen to paper, the fact that my hand is “itchy” validates me when I have imposter syndrome. I’ve gone back to the good ole kitchen table studio to create the piece below. It is for a show inspired by Indigo. As an artist’s statement, I wrote the following: Among the many connotations of indigo, I focused on the aspects of wisdom, tranquility and harmony (with a little mystery). Protecting or holding on to the negatives can be very detrimental. Our pro...