The Trouble With Light

The Trouble with Light is This...Each day I return to work on this oil, it looks completely different. This means it evokes other thoughts and ideas which makes me approach it differently. I awake thinking I know exactly what it needs and what I'm planning to do only to be greeted by something alien as if it's been replaced sometime in the night. My easel is in the same position. The weather has been consistent. I'm beginning work more or less the same time of day. My coffee is the the same...
I realize most painters experience similar phenomenons, but as further proof, I've taken several shots to show it as it has appeared in as many glances.

The Unknown The Unfinished
Oil  on Canvas
12" X 16"
by Rachel Jones

The Unknown The Unfinished (detail)
Oil  on Canvas
12" X 16"
by Rachel Jones

The Unknown The Unfinished
Oil  on Canvas
12" X 16"
by Rachel Jones

The Unknown The Unfinished
Oil  on Canvas
12" X 16"
by Rachel Jones
I think the third is the anyway. RJ


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