
Showing posts from October, 2014


Color At the moment, I am working on a painting of a figure in profile. The background I toned using  Windsor Blue. It is so electric! It isn't a color I use prominently even though I love it. Keeping in mind my normal palette, I am curious to see how much of this color makes it in final painting. oil on canvas by Rachel Jones
ophelia frump in the works oil on canvas by Rachel Jones I began this painting a few weeks back when I participated in a local Fall Festival. It is photographing a lot darker than it really is. My photography skills need work. However, she is reminding me so much of Ophelia Frump (Morticia's sister from the Addams Family). Of course Ophelia had blond hair, but I suppose I am allowed some creative licence here.
I wrote previously about finding a little book to fill with little  paintings. Chairs, flowers, figures....I haven't a clue. But I know that I want it be a cohesive grouping that will make a person want to flip through its pages again and again. Below is the precious little book found in the shop. It is leather with 50 little openings for 50 little gems.  The pressure is on!
 Generosity It is a wonderful thing to have fellow artists (especially those more talented and having worked at this game for a much longer time) appreciate, acknowledge, and continue to encourage you in what you do. How ever so very generous. Thank you.  I am very happy to announce that my painting, "Forever in Bloom" placed 2nd in the Seacoast Artists Gallery Fall Show. by Rachel Jones
This Weekend was a Very Very Busy Weekend! Our town had a Fall Festival. The Mad Hatter and Co. had a booth representing several of the artists in the co-op.  Not only was there some great works, we met many others that are looking for  a place to create. Growing a Co-op is a Great Great Thing! A beautiful day... by Rachel Jones There was also the Seacoast Artists Gallery Fall Show. The two pieces I entered are below. Forever in Bloom oil on canvas by Rachel Jones Oil on Canvas by Rachel Jones
 There is a really great Art Community online called The Trodden Path . Even if you aren't an artist, it is a great place to see what people are up to, take an online class, see what inspires other artists, or participate in interesting discussions. The administrator is a brilliant artist herself....Jane. Today, Jane began the discussion 'when did you first take that leap and call yourself an Artist '. Very interesting topic. Below was my response. Join in at When I realized my life was not complete without it. I grew up in extremely small town without much culture in the 70's. When every gift I asked for was art related as a child. When I would rather spend my hard earned allowance bribing someone to drive me 3 to 5 hours away to see and exhibit (this was before I could drive) or later (when I finally had a driver's license) I would go to work bleary eyed from having spent the night driving from an art event so as to get...