February has been very busy art wise, which has definitely kept me from focusing on the weather (Yuck) To keep from writing an extremely long post, I will split the events up as best  I'm able. So let us begin with the Small Works show in Lake City, SC (home of Artfields) created by the Florence Arts Alliance. Though I did not bring home a prize, it was an honor to be juried into this show. There are some really cutting edge pieces to be seen. And to think such makers exist only a few miles away creating in their little studios or on kitchen tables or wherever they are able is thrilling. Below are a few images I was able to capture. 

photo by Rachel Jones

photo by Rachel Jones

photo by Rachel Jones

photo by Rachel Jones
Not only was this the top winner, it also sold. Great night for this artist

photo by Rachel Jones

photo by Rachel Jones  ( a shot of my greatest fan, the Mr.)

photo by Rachel Jones

 Did you spot my two pieces?
Not only was it a great opening evening, but also a great opportunity to become a collector with all the works at very reasonable prices.

In addition to painting, I love hooping.  Though I haven't any shots of that from the day, I did attempt to get some really clumsy photos of the super moon,

by Rachel Jones

by Rachel Jones

by Rachel Jones
And this is why this kind of thing is left to the professionals!
More to come.

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