Trax Art Show

 “Often we are bombarded with external elements over  which we have no control. Our responses can at times be surprising, revealing, or even uncharacteristic. Frequently in works,  I try to reveal such pivotal moments (like film stills) of realizations and reactions to these events that may act as mirrors of our common nature.  The figures may appear uncertain, anxious, resolved or even confrontational- as the viewer anticipates  what is to come next. 

I often use watercolor to capture the initial concept with as much precision as possible. Yet, to capture conflict, atmosphere, the passage of time and the needed texture, I have to stop being precious with the work and experiment with intuitive marks and different mediums. There must be a balanced dance between the light and dark. My endeavor in the end, however,  is to make sure the final strokes signify hope and resilience.”

… So reads my artist statement for an upcoming gallery group show. Four pieces were chosen to be shown by the curator. I focused heavily on illustration and a “graphic novel” noir style. More details will follow including opening night and the other artists. In the meantime…. below are the pieces in their various stages of preparation. 
by Rachel Jones 

by Rachel Jones 

by Rachel Jones 


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