The Journey To The Interior
I began another little series that explores our connection to nature. Below are two pieces. There is nothing I can compare to that feeling of walking barefoot in luscious grass or lying on your back staring at the clouds as the hum of earth and buzz of creatures become that moment’s soundtrack. One of favorite poets wrote: Delighting in surface change, the glitter of light on waves And I roam elsewhere, my body thinking, Turning toward the other side of light In a tower of wind, a tree idling in air, Beyond my own echo… - from Journey To The Interior by Theodore Roethke How true that a journey out of doors can take us on an inward journey. Take a moment to unplug. And I roam elsewhere, my body thinking Part 1 Oil on Linen 22” X 30” By Rachel Jones And I roam elsewhere, my body thinking Part 2 Oil on Linen 22” X 30” By Rachel Jones